Trust Objectives

1. To adopt temple/temples and help renovate, maintain and improve Temples and educational institutions.

2. To grant financial assistance to temples adopted by the trust.

3. To assist individuals / institutions who are pursuing activities aimed towards alleviation of human suffering and advancing social objectives.

4. To receive and accept investments, loans, grants. subsidies, donations etc., in cash or kind towards promoting the objectives of the Trust.

5. Providing financial assistance for performing annadhanam and feeding the poor directly and through other institutions.

6. Grant of donation to any places of worship and / or religious institutions However, the Trust shall not undertake any religious activities.

7. To receive endorsements for any specific purpose that falls within the objectives of the Trust and administer them accordingly.

8. Providing relief to the poor and advancing any other object of general public utility.

9. The Trust will not carry out any activities with the intention of earning profit and will perform with service motive only.

10. To perform such other allied objectives, which the Trustees may decide from time to time.

11.To perform deeds incidental to or necessary for fulfillment of the objectives of this Trust.

12.1t is clarified that all the above objectives are independent of one another and it shall be open to the Board of Trustees to decide on the specific objectives, which will be pursued at any time. The activities of the Trust will be carried out only in India and not anywhere outside the country.


About ETM Trust

ETM Trust is a Registered Trust with Regd No. 51/2014 registered on 07/02/2014 at SRO Kodambakkam.

The detailed objects of Trust is available in the Trust Deed in about us for convenient Down loading.

We are also planning obtain Income Tax Exemption at the appropriate time.









ETM Trust Account Details

The Trust has got an account with State Bank of India, Aminjikarai Branch, Chennai

Saving Bank A/c No: 33670360806 – IFSC Code SBIN0003273

Branch Code: 03273.

Donations can be sent to the above A/c by RTGS/NIFT/DD/Cheques.